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Rock Torch

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Rock Torch

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ROCK TORCH is a Plastomeric high performance, prefabricated, modified bitumen waterproofing membrane consisting of proprietary waterproofing bitumen compound, reinforced with Non-Woven Reinforcement composite with fiberglass.


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    ROCK TORCH is a Plastomeric high performance, prefabricated, modified bitumen waterproofing membrane consisting of proprietary waterproofing bitumen compound, reinforced with Non-Woven Reinforcement composite with fiberglass.

    Rock Torch proprietary waterproofing com- pound is formulated with high grade bitumen modified with Atactic polypropylene (APP) to increase elasticity, flexibility, and enhanced with admixture of Thermoplastic materials to gain high heat resistance, good elongation and low temperature flexibility. To improve the UV resistance and durability for The Product, the membrane is coated with Mineral Stabilizers.

    Key Features:

    • High U.V. resistance (Mineral Finish).
    • Excellent thermal resistance
    • Strong adhesion to substrate
    • Proven water impermeability
    • Chemical resistance to wide range of light acidic, alkaline solutions and bacteria.


    There are several types of reinforcement materials used in bituminous membranes, including:

    • Non- woven Glass fiber Reinforcement: provides tensile strength and dimensional stability

    • Non-woven polyester fabric: provides tensile strength and stability

    • Non-woven Polyester reinforcement reinforced with fiberglass filaments composite : Very high tensile strength, excellent elongation properties and good dimensional stability.
    • Compound Base: High tensile strength and good dimensional stability 

    The choice of reinforcement material depends on the specific requirements of the roofing system and the desired properties such as reflectivity, dimensional stability, and resistance to environmental factors.

    Surface Finish

    The surface finish of a bituminous membrane refers to the final appearance of the membrane once it has been installed on the roof. The surface finish can have an impact on the overall aesthetic of the roof, as well as its performance. Some common types of surface finishes for bituminous membranes include:

    • Sand finish: a rough, textured surface that helps to increase the coefficient of friction and improve slip resistance, Specially (White/Yellow)

    • Granulated finish: a surface that is covered with small, granulated particles, typically made of a durable material such as aluminum oxide. This finish provides a high level of slip resistance and UV stability. Available in colors (Red, Grey, Green)

    • Smooth finish: a smooth surface that provides a sleek, modern appearance, but may have lower slip resistance compared to other finishes.

    The choice of surface finish depends on the specific requirements of the roofing system, such as the desired level of slip resistance and the type of roof deck.

    Methods of Installation

    The installation methods for APP (Atactic Polypropylene) bituminous membrane vary depending on the specific requirements of the roofing system and the type of membrane being used. Some common methods of installation include:

    • Heat welded seam method: involves heating the overlapped edges of the membrane with a propane torch to create a seamless, watertight bond between the two pieces of membrane.

    • Self-adhesive method: involves removing the release paper from the self-adhesive backing on the membrane and pressing it onto the roof deck.

    • Torch-on method: involves heating the bituminous membrane with a torch and then pressing it onto the roof deck, where it will fuse and adhere to the surface.

    • Mechanically fastened method: involves using special mechanical fasteners to attach the membrane to the roof deck.

    The choice of installation method will depend on factors such as the type of roof deck, the local building codes and regulations, and the desired level of seam strength and durability. It is recommended to seek the guidance of a professional roofing contractor for the installation of an APP bituminous membrane.

    TestTest MethodToleranceResultUnitاإلختبــــــــار
    ThicknessEN 1849-1±5%4mmالسمك
    WidthEN 1848-1±1%1mالعرض
    LengthEN 1848-1±1%10mالطول
    StraightnessEN 1848-1-± 6mmدرجة اإلستقامة

    Softening Point (R&B) Flexibility at low temperature

    Flow resistance at elevated temperature

    ASTM D-36

    EN 1109 ASTM D-5147 EN 1110 ASTM D-5147




    0 : ± 2





    درجة التطرية المرونة عند درجات الحرارة المنخفضة الثبات عند درجات الحرارة العالية
    Tensile Strength-LongitudinalEN 12311-1 ASTM D-5147± 20%750N/5cmمقاومة الشد القصوي-طوليا
    Tensile Strength-TransverseEN 12311-1 ASTM D-5147± 20%600N/5cmمقاومة الشد القصوي-عرضيا
    Tearing Strength-LongitudinalEN 12310-1160Nمقاومة التمزق-طوليا
    Tearing Strength-TransverseEN 12310-1180Nمقاومة التمزق-عرضيا
    Tensile Tear Resistance-LongitudinalASTM D-5147 D-4073± 20%400Nمقاومة  التمزق بطريقة الشد-طوليا
    Tensile Tear Resistance-TransverseASTM D-5147 D-4073± 20%400Nمقاومة التمزق بطريقة الشد-عرضيا
    Resistance to Static LoadingEN 1273010Kgمقاومة اإلختراق اإلستاتيكى
    Resistance to Impact LoadingEN 12691800mmمقاومة اإلختراق الديناميكى
    Shear Resistance of joint L/TEN 12317-1± 20%750/600N/5cmمقاومة الشد عند منطقة التركيب
    Dimensional Stability L/TEN 1107-1-± 0.5%ثبات األبعاد
    Adhesion to concretePelage UEATC-20N/5cmقوة اإللتصاق باالسطح الخرسانية
    Water absorptionASTM D-51470.15%درجة إمتصاص الماء
    Fire Classification - Extremal FireEN 13501-5-F roof-تصنيف الحريق-أداء الحريق
    Performance    الخارجي
    Reaction to fireEN 13501-1-F-رد الفعل عند التعرض للنار
    Water ImpermeabilityEN 1928 method A-Pass10Kpaعدم نفاذية الماء
    Thermal Ageing in airEN 1296-Pass-اإلهتراء نتيجة التسخين
    (in oven 4 weeks at 70 ± 2°C)     
    Ageing Due to Atmospheric Agents (U.V. Test weathering)ASTM G 53 UNI 8202/29-Pass-

    مقاومة التقادم لالشعة

    فوق البنفسجية

    Average loss of slatesEN 1203930%متوسط الفاقد من الحبيبات

     ROCKAL reserve the right of change or modify the technical specification or Products performance with out any prior notice due to any reason or research & development activities

    •  Note Products could vary in: Thickness - 3:4mm

    •  All ± Tolerances comply with UEAtc Directives.

    •  CB: Non-Woven Reinforcement composite with fiberglass (Compound Base)

    •  This TDS issued 01/2020 Revoke all previous issued.

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